Manager to Leader: Fit for the Future
CMI level 7
Who is it for?
You want to make a positive difference to your organization and become more confident in leading yourself and others, especially in the face of contemporary leadership challenges. The course is unique as, in addition to meeting CMI requirements, it focusses on how to thrive in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) environment. It enables you to learn skills and develop models that you will apply as the course progresses, to demonstrate your competence, development and potential in the areas of leadership, strategy, change, project management and influencing.
A personalized experience, with detailed feedback and the ability to practice in a safe environment.
Develop and refine your management and leadership capabilities through the (Award) continuing to build those skills whilst practicing how to effectively lead or influence the strategic process through to implementing change (Certificate), and finally to run a project pulling all you learnt together (Diploma).
You will see the benefits for yourself and others almost immediately.
Strengthens your reputation and brand in your current organisation whilst improving your promotability to enhance your career and your earning power.
This course can be used to progress onto higher levels of study, including MBAs with universities in the UK
RQF Level 7 is regarded in academic terms as equivalent to a Master’s Degree, Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), a Graduate Diploma and a Graduate Certificate
The Manager to Leader courses are accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
The CMI Level 7 Strategic Management and Leadership Practice course is nationally recognised: all credits earned are transferable to other university or college programmes within a similar discipline
How you are supported
This course follows a proven blended learning approach. Course materials are available both online and emailed to you directly for each Module. Contact time is provided by Zoom-based Webinars (2 per module), a 2-hour coaching session (which may be face to face) and an Action Learning Event (nominally 5 hours for in-depth learning and development).
Depending on whether the course is sponsored by a corporate or you are an individual, the course can be completed virtually or, blended.
All three courses are delivered in collaboration with the CMI and Management Direct.
Tutors are available by phone and email and, of course, during webinars, coaching and action learning.
Additional support is available by phone or email, to assist with any concerns you may have.
Entry Criteria
Anyone aged over 27, with 2–4 years of organizational experience in junior to middle management roles. Ideally you will have experience of management as team leader, project manager, technical lead, expert lead or function manager. The course overall covers 3 levels (Award, Certificate and Diploma) which build one to the next. If you do not meet the overall entry criteria, you may be eligible to begin the development journey and then pause, simply contact me to explore your options. Similarly, if you are already working at a higher level, you may be interested in more senior executive development, again, please contact me.
Study Information
The full course can be offered to a Corporate client, or to individuals (who will be grouped into a learning cohort to aid learning and personal development). It can be tailored to your particular organizational requirements, providing CMI requirements are also met.
“Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Through learning we re-create ourselves. Through learning we become able to do something we never were able to do. Through learning we reperceive the world and our relationship to it. Through learning we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of life. There is within each of us a deep hunger for this type of learning.” ― Peter M. Senge in The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
Course Content
This course is based on modules from the CMI Level 7 qualifications in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice and, uniquely, focuses on both traditional and VUCA contexts and develops the appropriate leadership, strategy and change processes.
CMI based courses consist of units and, as a guide, the Total Unit Time (TUT) gives you an approximate number of hours required to complete each unit.
The course is assignment-based so there are no examinations. Assignments per unit have a word count of between ( 3500 and 4500 words)
Award (1 unit CMI 714 – Personal and Professional Development for Strategic Leaders (TUT 90 hours))
Assessing and evaluating yourself as leader is the starting point. The certificate and diploma stages require you to carry out practical tasks in the organization and how you do that is as important as what you do. You get unique access to my research on ‘Leadership Mindset’ that will help you assess where you are on the journey and give you an appreciation of what to focus your learning on next. Successful completion of the Award leads to the:
Certificate (2 units CMI 701 Strategic Leadership (TUT 110 hours) and 704 Developing Organisational Strategy (TUT 90 hours).
Takes you on a logical journey of two different approaches to strategy depending on whether the context is VUCA or not. The modules move through strategic analysis to implementation of change. You also build on the Award stage and how you tackle each element of the strategic change process has equal focus to the tools and what you do.
Diploma (1 unit CMI 712 – Strategic Management Project (TUT 100 hours)
Building on the previous courses this is a highly practical unit that focuses on project management and change leadership as you review or work through a change project to make a difference in your organisation.
Course Fees
Due to the potential for tailoring and different approaches to delivery, prices given are for the basic completely virtual option. For further pricing information please contact us.
Course fees cover study materials, personal tutor support, coaching, action learning events, assessments and affiliate membership of the CMI until course completion within CMI completion times.
(all prices are quoted excluding VAT)
CMI Registration fees are included in the price given. If each element of the course is tackled one at a time then registration has to be paid at each stage.
Award £130
Certificate £200
Diploma £265
Overall Fee per Stage of Course (assuming each registered once previous stage completed and are inclusive of the registration fee above):
Award: £ 1800
Certificate a further £2800
Diploma a further £2750
Discount is available if the full course up to the Diploma is paid for up front, otherwise payment is required in full as you register for each stage.
Other purchase/payments options can be discussed.
Example of virtual approach to course

Example of course with face to face option

Dr Jane Trinder-Randle PhD
Course Director & Founder JTR Associates Ltd
Building on my early corporate life, I built an executive coaching and leadership development practice which also allowed me to develop a Masters degree in strategic leadership, strategy and change for a leading Business School – that programme, delivered for over 15 years, is the foundation for my current course. I have kept the best bits, added in the advantages of current technology and expanded corporate and individual focus – the world has probably never been “more VUCA” – let me help you improve your organizational and individual leadership performance.
My Vision
I am passionate about supporting individuals and organizations in providing engaging, fulfilling, innovative and sustainable places to work.
This course is unique in blending traditional and VUCA orientated approaches that suit the operational and business climate organizations exist in today.
Pure online/distance learning courses can provide knowledge – only practice, challenge and feedback in a safe place really allow the experimentation which enables you to take that major step forward. The addition of coaching and action learning on this course is designed specifically to make a difference to you by centering on your development goals and individual challenges.
Next Steps or Any Questions?
We will be pleased to help you tailor your own programme of learning to your context and answer any queries you may have.
Call me on: +44 (0) 7710 233738 or e-mail:
I am here to help you
Get in touch with me today and let’s start the journey together. If you want further information about the general coaching programmes please see the attached coaching brochure 2