Following a senior role in a 17 year corporate career in the area of organisational change and strategy, the next 7 years included completing a doctorate focused on the psychology and leadership of complex organizational change. Subsequently, and during this time, I specialised in coaching, consulting, teaching and further research into change, strategy, leadership and personal development. In the last few years I have added coaching for well being and understanding stress
arising from workplace conflict to my portfolio.
I completed various coaching courses before joining as a member of the International Coaching Federation. My psychometric qualifications include MBTI, FiRO, Hogan, and WAVE. I am also an NLP practitioner.
My coaching ethos was developed mostly from my research into adult stages of development, which I refer to as mindset. There are around 7 key mindsets all with their strengths and opportunities. Understanding your own mindset gives you a fastpath to a greater understanding of yourself, your development needs, and what will help and hinder you achieving your goals.
I am passionate that the last few years have created opportunities for change, and gives you the chance to develop with more opportunities than before.
Who Am I?
Unusually I have both a business background and have worked at senior levels AND
I have researched, taught, consulted and coached the psychology, processes, tools and techniques informing how you lead and develop yourself, others and your business.
I have worked nationally and internationally across the energy, defence, finance, consultancy and engineering sectors.
My specialities based on my research and focus is leadership development, leading change and personal development

Dr Jane Trinder
How can I support you?
I support individuals, teams and organisations to achieve their potential and improve the life of those around them
Most of the people I have worked with have wanted to lead their business more successfully. They want to feel more confident, be healthier, have the language and skills that enable them to achieve their goals. Some want help for the next promotion, some have faced difficulties in work and or personally and want to go forward with renewed enthusiasm, some simply want to improve.
The people I work with fall into three main categories:
- Individuals that have worked as specialists or experts who want to manage
- Manager or want to develop to be leaders.
- Leaders who want to make a more meaningful difference to their organisation.
Most people realise that they do not have the time or resource to find the answers on their own and want support from a coach/facilitator who has achieved both at a business level, but also has the knowledge and wisdom around how to develop others.
Well being has become increasingly important to many. A key element of this is knowing how you react to stress, what good stress looks like, and how to manage stress.

My Research
My original research was set in the context of how people lead through VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) change. As part of this I focused on adult development including developmental stages (mindset), adult learning, engagement and emotional intelligence.
- Identifying your current mindset helps pinpoint both strengths and opportunities for development. If appropriate this research can be used to demonstrate your development over a period of time, normally 9-12 months. Mindset provides a fast path to understanding the building blocks that will take you to the next stage.
- My recent research has been around the area of well being, particularly looking at stressful situations. We handle stress differently at different times. Well being can simply be about creating balance and setting up good habits through to dealing with very difficult situations. For example bullying which can extend to moral injury when your leader and the organization fail to behave in moral and ethical ways. Its also about how you manage stress to avoid negative impact on others. If you don’t handle stress well you don’t lead others or yourself effectively.
I am here to help you
Get in touch with me today and let’s start the journey together. If you want further information about the general coaching programmes please see the attached coaching brochure 2